Kid Lit

Paired Fiction & Nonfiction for K–1
  • 256 Titles (128 Fiction + 128 Nonfiction)
  • Grade Levels K–1 | Levels A–D
  • 8 Themes: All About Me, Community, Culture, Explorations, Health, Interests, Season & Weather, Social-Emotional
  • Diverse Representation in Illustration & Photos
  • Series Centers on Themes From a Child's Life
  • Build Knowledge, Acquire Vocabulary, Improve Comprehension

Series Overview

Kid Lit is a unique paired text series for kindergarten that approaches life as a series of small, meaningful moments that a diverse range of children can identify with. Loosely organized into themes around culture, community, health, SEL, seasons, and self, each whimsically illustrated fiction story gives a peek into a slice of a child's life and is paired with a related nonfiction text to expand familiarity with the world.

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