Level B Books

- 114 Titles (57 Fiction + 57 Nonfiction)
- Early Emergent | Kindergarten Reading Level
- 13 Big Books
- Topics: Adventures, Wildlife, Sports & More
- Various Teacher's Guides Available

Level B Reading Books: Leveled Books and Big Books
Guided reading level B books fall into the category of kindergarten reading level and early emergent texts. Some characteristics of kindergarten reading level B books (adapted from Fountas and Pinnell level B guidelines) are that they can be simple fiction (animal fantasy or realistic) or nonfiction. The language in B-level books should contain repeating patterns of text in short, predictable sentences and can contain two or more lines of text per page.
Guided reading level B books have pictures, and the pictures support the text well. If the story is fiction, the characters are simple and one-dimensional. Level B reading books should contain almost entirely familiar vocabulary and many sight words.
As with all kindergarten reading levels (A, B, C, D), the content, themes, and ideas should be familiar to children. When you're doing a level B reading assessment, you'll want to look for children demonstrating an awareness of directionality, 1-1 matching, and repeating language patterns. They'll be working on learning the return sweep, how to better identify letters, and making the connection between sounds and letters. At this stage, level B reading passages will expose them to important high-frequency words.
When you are looking for kindergarten reading level books and putting together your guided reading level B book list, it is important to be aware of these characteristics. Our Level B Set and Level B Guided Reading Set offer a wide variety of books that will help your kindergarten readers through this stage of their literacy journey. We can also put together a custom Level B Book List for you that fits your specific parameters for genre and topic.
With the right guided reading level B books, your students will find kindergarten-level reading fun and engaging!