Spanish Animals Topic Complete Set (6-Packs)

Spanish Animals Topic Complete Set (6-Packs)

The Spanish Animals Topic Complete Set (6-Packs) includes 6 copies of each of the top 195 Spanish titles in our catalog related to the content area, theme, or topic of Animals. Total Books in Set: 1,170 (195 Titles x 6 Copies Each). Grade Level K–2. Reading Level A–M.

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Product Details

Book Series Various Series
Author Various Authors
Titles 195 Titles x 6 Copies
Illustrator N/A
Product Type Set
Reading Level A-M
Product Code GR519X
Intervention Level 1-20
ISBN-13 979-8-89073-492-1
DRA Level A-28
Genre/Text Type Informational
Spanish N/A
Language Spanish
Teacher's Resource N/A

Product Details

Book Series Various Series
Book Collection N/A
Author Various Authors
Product Type Set
Illustrator N/A
Product Code GR519X
Reading Level A-M
ISBN-13 979-8-89073-492-1
Intervention Level 1-20
DRA Level A-28
Page Count N/A
Grade Level K-2
Word Count N/A
Genre/Text Type Informational
English N/A
Language Spanish
Big Book Version N/A
Product Dimensions N/A
Teacher's Resource N/A