Mundo de los Cuentos Mundo Real Dual Language Set

Mundo de los Cuentos Mundo Real Dual Language Set
Mundo de los Cuentos Mundo Real Dual Language Set
Mundo de los Cuentos Mundo Real Dual Language Set
Mundo de los Cuentos Mundo Real Dual Language Set
Mundo de los Cuentos Mundo Real Dual Language Set
Mundo de los Cuentos Mundo Real Dual Language Set
Mundo de los Cuentos Mundo Real Dual Language Set
Mundo de los Cuentos Mundo Real Dual Language Set
Mundo de los Cuentos Mundo Real Dual Language Set
Mundo de los Cuentos Mundo Real Dual Language Set
Mundo de los Cuentos Mundo Real Dual Language Set
Mundo de los Cuentos Mundo Real Dual Language Set
Mundo de los Cuentos Mundo Real Dual Language Set

The Mundo de los Cuentos Mundo Real Dual Language Set contains a copy of 40 English titles (10 fiction and 30 nonfiction), and a copy of 40 matching Spanish adaptations (10 fiction and 30 nonfiction), from the Mundo de los Cuentos Mundo Real series. This set offers a total of 80 books. This is an ideal set of titles for content enrichment in bilingual and dual language classrooms. Reading level range: I–M.

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Product Details

Author Alan Trussell-Cullen
Titles 40 Spanish + 40 Matching English Titles
Illustrator Steven Pileggi
Product Type Set
Reading Level I-M
Product Code C1934
Intervention Level 15-20
ISBN-13 978-1-64039-674-6
DRA Level 16-28
FAMIS Number 902645560
Genre/Text Type Informational, Narrative
Spanish N/A
Language English, Spanish

Product Details

Book Collection N/A
Author Alan Trussell-Cullen
Product Type Set
Illustrator Steven Pileggi
Product Code C1934
Reading Level I-M
ISBN-13 978-1-64039-674-6
Intervention Level 15-20
FAMIS Number 902645560
DRA Level 16-28
Page Count N/A
Grade Level 1-2
Word Count N/A
Genre/Text Type Informational, Narrative
Spanish N/A
Language English, Spanish
Big Book Version N/A
Product Dimensions N/A