Meanies at the Zoo

Meanies at the Zoo

Please, please, whatever you do, don't take Meanies to the zoo! They rattle the cages and throw the food; the animals think they are very rude. Chaos follows every step they take, and Meanies don't care which rules they break. So don't forget, whatever you do, don't take Meanies to the zoo!

Joy Cowley is an award-winning author whose original Mrs. Wishy-Washy book has sold over 40 million copies and has been translated into several languages. She has written over 650 other titles. Check out her other children’s books, including Wishy-Washy HalloweenWishy-Washy Valentine's DayDan's New Hat, and New Food for the Hungry Giant!

Product Details

Book Series N/A
Book List N/A
Author Joy Cowley
Illustrator Philip Webb
Product Type Hardcover Book
Reading Level N/A
Product Code S5909
Intervention Level N/A
ISBN-13 978-1-64039-590-9
DRA Level N/A
Genre/Text Type Narrative
Spanish N/A
Language English
Teacher's Resource N/A

Book Details

Book Series N/A
Book Collection N/A
Author Joy Cowley
Product Type Hardcover Book
Illustrator Philip Webb
Product Code S5909
Reading Level N/A
ISBN-13 978-1-64039-590-9
Intervention Level N/A
DRA Level N/A
Page Count 24
Grade Level First Grade
Word Count 441
Genre/Text Type Narrative
Spanish N/A
Language English
Big Book Version N/A
Product Dimensions 10 3/8 x 10 3/8 inches (W x H)
Teacher's Resource N/A