Zoozoo Mundo Animal

La libélula

La libélula from Zoozoo Mundo Animal
La libélula
La libélula
La libélula
La libélula

Did you know that dragonflies are only able to catch food while flying? Discover more about this winged animal with the help of this nonfiction text.

About This Series:
Zoozoo Mundo Animal is a delightful series of 110 authentic Spanish informational texts that uncover details about animals in several different habitats, such as the Arctic, desert, farm, forest, and more. Sentences in lower-level books are written with repetitive structures, while higher-level books incorporate pronouns and grammar skills for more advanced students who are reading in Spanish.

This series is also available in English. Click here to view the English version of this series.

Product Highlights:
-   Genre: Nonfiction
-   Grade Level: 1
-   Level: E
-   Intervention Level: 7
-   View English Version
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Product Details

Book Series Zoozoo Mundo Animal
Book List N/A
Author Nicole Boswell
Illustrator N/A
Product Type Leveled Reader
Reading Level E
Product Code S10443
Intervention Level 7
ISBN-13 978-1-64387-975-8
DRA Level 8
FAMIS Number 90289806X
Genre/Text Type Informational
Spanish Dragonfly
Language Spanish
Teacher's Resource N/A

Book Details

Book Series Zoozoo Mundo Animal
Book Collection Spanish Nonfiction Books
Author Nicole Boswell
Product Type Leveled Reader
Illustrator N/A
Product Code S10443
Reading Level E
ISBN-13 978-1-64387-975-8
Intervention Level 7
FAMIS Number 90289806X
DRA Level 8
Page Count 8
Grade Level 1
Word Count 44
Genre/Text Type Informational
English Dragonfly
Language Spanish
Big Book Version N/A
Product Dimensions 6 x 6 inches (W x H)
Teacher's Resource N/A