Fábulas y el Mundo Real

Decir mentiras

Decir mentiras from Fábulas y el Mundo Real
Decir mentiras from Fábulas y el Mundo Real
Decir mentiras from Fábulas y el Mundo Real
Decir mentiras from Fábulas y el Mundo Real
Decir mentiras from Fábulas y el Mundo Real

What is a lie? Why do people tell lies? This nonfiction book explores lying, situations where it might be tempting to lie, and why honesty is always the best choice, no matter the circumstance.

About This Series:
Fábulas y el Mundo Real is a series of authentic Spanish fables and informational texts that have been adapted from English. The series includes 30 intriguing fables, paired with 90 informational texts. Each unique fable is paired with three related, corresponding informational texts, which draw upon the fables' nonfiction elements. Vibrant artwork in the fables helps bilingual, dual language, and Spanish teachers educate students on important lessons and morals, and engaging visual support and great nonfiction text features in the informational texts help to improve critical Spanish literacy skills. The series includes 120 leveled readers in total, 10 of which are available as big books.

This series is also available in English. Click here to view the English version of this series.

Product Highlights:
-   Genre: Nonfiction
-   Grade Level: 2
-   Level: L
-   Intervention Level: 19
-   View English Version
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Product Details

Book List N/A
Author Jeffery L. Williams
Illustrator N/A
Product Type Leveled Reader
Reading Level L
Product Code S10552
Intervention Level 19
ISBN-13 978-1-64941-476-2
DRA Level 24
Genre/Text Type Informational
Spanish Telling Lies
Language Spanish
Teacher's Resource N/A

Book Details

Book Collection Spanish Nonfiction Books
Author Jeffery L. Williams
Product Type Leveled Reader
Illustrator N/A
Product Code S10552
Reading Level L
ISBN-13 978-1-64941-476-2
Intervention Level 19
DRA Level 24
Page Count 18
Grade Level 2
Word Count 547
Genre/Text Type Informational
English Telling Lies
Language Spanish
Big Book Version N/A
Product Dimensions 5 x 8 inches (W x H)
Teacher's Resource N/A