Dan's New Hat

Dan's New Hat

Dan is a flying man who loves his special hat until he sees a new one with a fancy Zippy Zappy ZAT! What follows is a wild journey up and down and across the skies as Dan learns that new isn't necessarily always better...

Joy Cowley is an award-winning author whose original Mrs. Wishy-Washy book has sold over 40 million copies and has been translated into several languages. She has written over 650 other titles. Check out her other children’s books, including Wishy-Washy HalloweenWishy-Washy Valentine's Day, New Food for the Hungry Giant, and Meanie's at the Zoo!

Product Details

Book Series N/A
Book List N/A
Author Joy Cowley
Illustrator Gail Yerrill
Product Type Hardcover Book
Reading Level N/A
Product Code S5916
Intervention Level N/A
ISBN-13 978-1-64039-591-6
DRA Level N/A
Genre/Text Type Narrative
Spanish N/A
Language English
Teacher's Resource N/A

Book Details

Book Series N/A
Book Collection N/A
Author Joy Cowley
Product Type Hardcover Book
Illustrator Gail Yerrill
Product Code S5916
Reading Level N/A
ISBN-13 978-1-64039-591-6
Intervention Level N/A
DRA Level N/A
Page Count 24
Grade Level First Grade
Word Count 339
Genre/Text Type Narrative
Spanish N/A
Language English
Big Book Version N/A
Product Dimensions 10 3/8 x 10 3/8 inches (W x H)
Teacher's Resource N/A