Animal Fiction Theme Set

Animal Fiction Theme Set
Animal Fiction Theme Set
Animal Fiction Theme Set
Animal Fiction Theme Set
Animal Fiction Theme Set
Animal Fiction Theme Set

The Animal Fiction Theme Set includes 1 copy of each of the 59 English titles in our catalog related to the content area or theme of Animal Fiction. Total Books in Set: 59. Reading Level A-H.

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Product Details

Book Series Various Series
Author Various Authors
Titles 59 Titles
Illustrator Various Illustrators
Product Type Set
Reading Level A-H
Product Code C449XX
Intervention Level 1-14
ISBN-13 978-1-68581-977-4
DRA Level A-14
Genre/Text Type Narrative
Spanish N/A
Language English
Teacher's Resource N/A

Product Details

Book Series Various Series
Book Collection N/A
Author Various Authors
Product Type Set
Illustrator Various Illustrators
Product Code C449XX
Reading Level A-H
ISBN-13 978-1-68581-977-4
Intervention Level 1-14
DRA Level A-14
Page Count N/A
Grade Level K-1
Word Count N/A
Genre/Text Type Narrative
Spanish N/A
Language English
Big Book Version N/A
Product Dimensions N/A
Teacher's Resource N/A