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Grade Level 1
Level G
Genre: Narrative
A Bundle of Sticks
Level F
Fishing for the Moon
The Ant and the Grasshopper
Grade Level 2
Level K
The Archer and the Bow
Level L
Genre: Informational
Carving Wood
Level I
The Birds, the Beasts, and the Bat
The Boar and the Chameleon
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
The Boy and the Gumballs
The Cranes and the Peacock
Level H
The Donkey and His Driver
The Dove King
The Duck and the North Wind
The Elephant and the Mouse
The Farmer Who Said Maybe
The Fly and the Honey Pot
The Four Friends and the Hunter
The Fox and the Crow
The Fox and the Goat
The Fox, the Lion, and the Deer
The Goose and the Golden Eggs
The Heron and the Swan
Level M
The King and the Pearl
Level E
The Lumberjack and the Axe
The Milkmaid and Her Pail
The Next Emperor
The North Wind and the Sun
The Owl and the Rabbits
The Silkworm and the Spider
The Tortoise and the Rabbit
Ready, Set, Go!
The Ungrateful Tiger
Grade Level K
Level B
Dan Gets Dressed
Mrs. Wishy-Washy and the Big Farm Fair
Smarty Pants at the Circus
Gruesome Halloween
The House of Funny Mirrors
Mr. Whisper and Miss Candy
Mrs. Wishy-Washy on TV
Bobo's Hat
José's Run
Wishy-Washy Card
Wishy-Washy Clothes
Level C
Halloween Night
Level D
Recess Time
Run, Haley, Run!
Thanksgiving Dinner
Tortilla Sundays
Good Food
Enjoying Blueberries With Mom
Family Day
I Like Soccer
What Do You Want To Eat?
Where Does It Come From?
Getting Dressed
The Glove
Hadley's Hats
Jack-o'-Lantern Pie
Josiah's Jacket
Snack Time
Planning Your Party
Summer Olympics
Level A
I Like Breakfast
I Like to Eat
Playing T-Ball
Wool Is Warm
So Cold!
A Day at the Fair
Fun at the Fair
Picnic Day
I Bake!
A Powwow Dancer
At the Powwow
Eating Food
Fourth of July
We Can Grill
We Eat Together
Playing Sports
Sweet Treats
Party Snacks
Let's Eat Noodles!
We Make Crafts
Native American Necklace
Wrapping the Present
So Many Presents
Ice Pops
Snow Falls
Star Boy and the Cold Wind
Ball Games
Food in My Community
Let's Dance
Why Do We Wear Shoes?
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Breakfast Around the World
Little Red Riding Hood
The Crow and the Rain Barrel
The Gingerbread Man
Level J
Fun with Food
Gingerbread Kids
The Greedy Dog and the Very Big Bone
The Lion and the Mouse
The Little Red Hen
Different Kinds of Bread
Great Grains
The Princess and the Frog
Play Ball!
The Three Little Pigs