Collaborative Discussions
Turn and TalkTurn and Talk is a foundational structured conversation skill that provides students scaffolded interactions to formulate ideas and share their thinking with another student. This strategy encourages a high level of pupil response and increased participation helps students sustain their focus. Student partners respond to and discuss ideas prompted by a focus question provided by the teacher. Students literally turn and then talk to another student while the teacher monitors, listens, and records interactions. Click here to read more. |
Write Pair ShareWrite/Pair/Share is an oral language support strategy that allows students to formulate their thinking in writing before oral interaction with a peer. It increases student accountability for talk and supports the more hesitant speaker by providing written rehearsal. Peers quickly write down a response to a focus question provided by the teacher, then read the brief response to a partner and follow it with discussion of ideas. Click here to read more. |
BrainstormBrainstorm is an oral language support strategy that allows students to generate multiple responses through oral interaction with a peer. It increases student awareness of a variety of responses to a question and provides for flexibility along with peer modeling. Click here to read more. |
ElaborationElaboration is an oral language support strategy that allows students to listen carefully to both the teacher and peers and, through oral interaction, respond to and extend what the teacher or partner said. It increases student listening and discussion abilities and builds a thread of reasoning in a discussion. There is a tighter focus on the listening and speaking exchanges during interactions. Students also will understand the information better and that will support recall of content. Click here to read more. |