Writing activities are essential for both the teacher and the student. With creative writing prompts, the student practices language and writing skills while the teacher gets a glimpse into the thoughts of every student, even the shy and quiet ones!
To make sure that writing remains fresh and exciting for children, it’s important to present different writing prompts throughout the year.
Kid Writing in the 21
Hameray’s newest professional book, provides a plethora of creative and unique writing prompts for any classroom:
New Adventure Books
. If students don’t know what to write about, encourage them to create new stories about their favorite fictional characters like Mrs. Wishy-Washy or Mickey Mouse!
2. Author Studies
. Have students research the author of their favorite book by reading the back flap or looking at the author’s online website. Then, have students compile the information they learned into writing!
The Ouch Pouch.
If students experience an injury or illness, have them write about their experiences on a paper shaped like a Band-Aid. Place the writing into a bag labeled the Ouch Pouch and allow the student to share their writing with the class.
4. Personal News Stories.
Allow each student to make their own newspaper centered on their life: what is good news, bad news, and entertainment news that they think is newsworthy? By creating a multi-article newspaper, children will be writing informational stories about various aspects of their personal life. Journalism also encourages students to think about their audience while writing.
5. Yuck Menu . After reading Mud Soup from the Kaleidoscope Collection, ask each student writes and draws something yucky to add to the soup. Compile their work into one big class book called Yuck Soup !
This blog post only features 5 of the countless writing prompts included in Kid Writing in the 21 st Century. For more classroom writing ideas, make sure to check out the book!
Click the image below to download information about Kid Writing in the 21st Century, a professional book written by Eileen Feldgus, Isabell Cardonick, and Richard Gentry.