The 2015 Joy Cowley Giveaway Is Here!
Enter before March 31, 2015 for Your Chance to Win!
It's that time of year again: your opportunity to fill your classroom with the fun and humor of beloved Mrs. Wishy-Washy author Joy Cowley. We're giving away over $1000 worth of Joy Cowley leveled readers, big books, and more to one lucky classroom. This year, we're running the contest through Rafflecopter, so you can earn extra chances to win. Introduce your students to Mrs. Wishy-Washy, The Meanies, Hungry Giant, and other giggle-inducing characters, both classic and new! Share the contest with up to ten friends to earn an extra entry for each person you refer!
Build Your Own Classroom Library! Need a more tailored classroom library than what our pre-packaged sets offer? Customize your own classroom library set! We have books that range in reading level from A to Y, with both informational and narrative texts on a wide variety of topics, from science to extreme sports and from whimsical new stories to classic fairy tales. Click here to let us know what you need, and we'll help you create it! |
It's Finally Here! What Is a Book? What is a book? A mat for a cat? A house for a mouse? A story made of words to entertain or frighten? Joy Cowley's newest book, What Is a Book? has arrived to ship. A limited number of copies of the special hardcover collector's edition are still available. Click here to learn more and purchase! |
![]() Do you have some great classroom tips and tricks that you'd like other teachers to know about? Do you fancy yourself a writer? Do you want more exposure for your blog or TPT page? Become a guest blogger! All guest bloggers receive free books to use as inspiration for their posts! You'll be the first to know about any contests we hold, you'll get a chance to run mini-contests on your own blog, and you can write as frequently or infrequently as your schedule allows! |
![]() Check out our literacy blog , which offers useful content, free downloads, and all the resources you need to make teaching a little easier. Some of the recent blog topics include the following:
Integrating Reading and Writing Instruction
Upcoming Conferences
Hameray will be attending the following conferences:
North Carolina Reading Association Conference
in Raleigh, NC, March 15-17, 2015
- 59th Annual Conference 2015 Michigan Reading Association in Grand Rapids, MI, March 27-30, 2015
We hope you will come by to visit with us!